Today more than 80% of Internet traffic is encrypted, according to The Global Internet Phenomena Report from Sandvine, with other analysts saying that number is as high as 90%. As of Feb. 2020, 94% of traffic across Google was encrypted, with the company’s goal to reach 100%. An organization that can’t decrypt, classify, control and scan SSL-encrypted traffic can’t adequately protect its business and data from modern threats. This is where SSL decryption—the ability to decrypt, inspect and re-encrypt Internet traffic before it is sent to its destination—comes into play. To protect your organization from threats, malware, and malicious webpages, you need a Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) that can perform SSL decryption. Palo Alto Networks NGFWs deliver the TLS/SSL decryption capabilities you need to mitigate the risk of encrypted traffic—without sacrificing performance or user experience.