A major financial institution uncovered they had thousands of valuable business loan leads and the associated sensitive data leaking from their environment. Threatened by crippling financial and reputational loss when an anonymous emailer threatened to go public with the information, the organization turned to Unit 42® for help.
The company was unable to shut down the website due to its critical nature, so Unit 42 worked tirelessly to stop the data theft in real-time. In this video, Chris Brewer, Unit 42 consulting director, recounts how the Unit 42 Incident Response team collaborated with the Threat Intelligence team and deployed Cortex XDR to evict the threat actor behind the data breach and prevent further damage.
Watch the video now to see how Unit 42 pinpointed a resolution to the vulnerability and worked to fortify the client’s long-term cybersecurity posture. Check out the case study to learn more.
If you’re concerned you’ve an insider threat or data has been illegally stolen, Unit 42 is ready to help assess your risk and remediate the incident. Call us at North America toll-free: +1.866.486.4842 (866.4.UNIT42), EMEA: +, UK: +44.20.3743.3660, APAC: +65.6983.8730, or Japan: +81.50.1790.0200, or get in touch by visiting start.paloaltonetworks.com/contact-unit42.