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At a Glance: Cortex XDR for the US Government
Learn more about Cortex XDR extended detection and response platform, a cloud-delivered, FedRAMP Authorized environment.
Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) - at a Glance
CDM Program whitepaper: Meet CDM requirements and enhance your federal agency's cybersecurity with a comprehensive, cost-effective cloud security platform.
Use Case
Strengthen security with Zero Trust
Read this use case to discover how government agencies seek to limit the damage, withstand the impact, and decrease the effect of cyber attacks by pursuing a Zero Trust Architecture.
Federal Cloud Journey Guidance
Federal Cloud Journey Guidance: Overcome security challenges in your organization's cloud migration and achieve a strong security posture with our expert insights.
Plan Your Federal Cloud Journey
Federal Cloud Journey Challenges: Master complexities like multi-CSP inventory management, unified visibility, threat prevention, and secure cloud access with this guide.
Lightboard Series: VM-Series for Azure Overview
Lightboard Series: VM-Series for Azure Overview
Which Cloud Defender Are You?
Learn how Zero Trust Network Access provides an integrated, comprehensive solution for segmentation, access control, and threat prevention in this interactive.
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access and Cradlepoint NetCloud Solution Brief
To learn more about the key benefits of implementing this integration and sample use cases, download the Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access and Cradlepoint NetCloud Solution Brief
Reference Architecture for OT and IoT Device Security in Industrial Control Systems
This document provides a high-level reference architecture for OT and IoT device security in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) using Palo Alto Networks’ Next-generation firewalls, the Strata Logging Service, and IoT Security Service.
Government Use Case: Network Security Consolidation
As Governments adopt digital technologies – employee remote access, citizen self-service, SaaS, cloud, and more – these same technologies introduce new points where the network can be infiltrated, and new valuable data that must be secured. The result was a cyber security arms race where new threats were countered with new security point products.
Today, governments are consolidating security appliances and functions to gain better visibility and use scarce cybersecurity professionals wisely.
Read this use case to discover
• The advantages of a platform approach to network security consolidation.
• Best practices for deployment.
• How a government agency eliminated 10 security appliances at every location, simplifying compliance, management and reporting while improving security.
Use Case
Automating Cyber Operations
To gain, maintain, and expand competitive advantage over adversaries in a new digital operating environment, SOCs must be capable of seamlessly employing, integrating, and automating its capabilities across all environments and in any domain.
Guidance for the US Government on Zero Trust
Learn about how the Federal Government faces unique challenges regarding Zero Trust that commercial entities do not. While cybersecurity programs within the Federal Government are more mature and provide significant capability, many do not ad- dress the issue of inherit trust. Due to this, Zero Trust has gained momentum across the Federal Government.
Federal Government Defense Security Reference Blueprint
Defense Agency Cybersecurity: Integrate Palo Alto Networks into Federal Enterprise Architecture to enhance threat protection, resilience and operational efficiency.
Centralized Cloud Visibility
Discover best practices to enable visibility and reduce risk in multi-cloud environments.
Top Cloud Security Concerns for Federal Agencies
Top cloud security risks and concerns for Federal Agencies and how Palo Alto Networks help address those concerns.
At a Glance: WildFire: U.S. Government malware prevention service
Learn how this industry-leading malware prevention service built for the U.S. government prevents highly evasive zero-day threats and malware from impacting agencies.
Securing Branch Offices with Prisma
Learn how Prisma can help secure your branch offices through cloud-delivered security in this short video.
最大化检测和响应的 投资回报率
通过整合不同的工具并简化运营,从而节省 44% 的成本
Maximice el ROI de Detección y Respuesta
Reduzca los Costos en un 44 % Mediante la Consolidación de Herramientas
y la Optimización de las Operaciones.
Maximice el ROI de Detección y Respuesta
Reduzca los Costos en un 44 % Mediante la Consolidación de Herramientas
y la Optimización de las Operaciones.
Maximize o ROI em detecção e resposta
A criação de um programa bem-sucedido de operações de segurança começa com as
ferramentas corretas de detecção e resposta. Essas ferramentas podem ajudar as
equipes de segurança a descobrir, investigar e conter ameaças rapidamente.
最大化偵測與回應的 投資報酬率
本白皮書將證明一家擁有 10,000 名使用者的企業,如何可以使用 Cortex XDR來取代孤立的偵測與回應工具,保護其企業避免遭受代價高昂的入侵,同時節 省 44% 或平均 889,284 美元的成本。
탐지 및 대응에 대한 ROI 극대화하기
성공적인 보안 운영 프로그램의 구축은 올바른 탐지 및 대응 도구에서 시작합니다.
이러한 도구는 보안팀이 신속하게 위협을 발견, 조사, 억제할 수 있도록 합니다.
Rentabilice al máximo su inversión en detección y respuesta
Un programa de operaciones de seguridad eficaz pasa en primer lugar por elegir las
herramientas de detección y respuesta adecuadas. Con ellas, los equipos de seguridad
pueden detectar, investigar y contener rápidamente las amenazas.
Maximize the ROI of Detection and Response
Download this white paper to learn how to maximize the ROI and cut the cost of detection and response.
Maximaler ROI bei Erkennung und Abwehr
Ein erfolgreiches Cybersicherheitsprogramm beginnt mit den richtigen Tools für die Erkennung und Abwehr. Mit diesen können Sicherheitsteams Bedrohungen schnell erkennen, untersuchen und eindämmen.
Détection et réponse : optimisez votre ROI
Consolidez vos outils et simplifiez vos opérations pour réduire vos coûts de 44 %
Maximize the ROI of Detection and Response
Download this white paper to learn how to maximize the ROI and cut the cost of detection and response.
検出と対応の ROI を 最大化する
ら始めます。こうしたツールは、セキュリティ チームが脅威をすばやく検出、調査し、封じ込めるのに
セキュアトランスフォーメーション: Prisma Access による リモート アクセスVPN の置き換え
モバイル ワーカーやクラウドベース アプリケーションの急増により、リモート アクセスVPN はクラウドに最適でもなければ、セキュアでもないことがわかりつつあります。そのため、現在のアプリケーション ミックスを考慮した新しいアプローチが必要です。
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