Threat Intelligence - What’s Next?

Oct 04, 2021
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The global threat landscape is continuously changing, especially during the global coronavirus pandemic, which has caused a significant shift both in how cybercriminals operate and how they hone their skills. During the pandemic, cybercriminals have been seen advancing their capabilities, adapting quickly, and targeting relevant victim groups more effectively. As cyber attacks continue to get more complex, organizations will need threat intelligence capabilities that are powerful enough to get ahead of their adversaries.

What’s driving the future of cybersecurity?

The number and variety of cyber threats will continue to increase every year due to:

  • Organized cyber attacks from gangs

Cyber crime gangs are getting smarter as they increasingly base their operations in countries beyond the legal reach of their targets.

  • State sponsored attacks

State-sponsored attacks have the exclusive advantage of using the long-standing espionage technique of bribing people in person inside target organizations. These attackers are well-funded and have a multitude of tools at their disposal.

  • The complexity of cyber data

Every minute, millions of cyber data from different sources in multiple formats are being collected. It generates a massive amount of log data and alerts that creates a deafening noise level. With such a massive amount of cyber data collected frequently, many organizations are unable to prioritize the most meaningful data, accurately discern patterns and pinpoint trends.

Threat Intelligence Management

Threat Intelligence is the power that battles the minds that make malware, ransomware and other cyber threats.

At the epicenter of this battle is not just analyzing the data, but acting on it quickly.

“Knowledge of threats is not enough. Taking action to operationalize it is a critical component for security teams to mitigate relevant risks and disrupt targeted malicious attack campaigns.”

A Threat Intelligence platform enables your organizations to operationalize, take action and gain control of the security measures and fight cybercrime with confidence.

Here are three key topics that we strongly believe will drive the future of threat intelligence:

1. Threat Intelligence Lifecycle. The future of threat intelligence management lies in taking a holistic approach to the native threat intelligence lifecycle with the ability to collect, unify, process, analyze, enrich, score, validate, and share the most relevant data to stakeholders.

2. Strategic Threat Intelligence Strategic threat intelligence is a bird’s-eye view of an organization’s threat landscape and has tremendous value for business decision-making. While typical security and analysis skills are still essential, producing strategic threat intelligence also requires a great deal of expertise in other areas and a strong understanding of business concepts.

3. Automation Let’s accept it—automation saves time and money and improves productivity. We saw last year how ransomware adversaries had been rapidly adopting data extortion methods. Automate actions to immediately shut down threats across your enterprise. You can expand the scope of your investigations by easily sharing threat intelligence across internal teams and trusted organizations.


In order to get ahead of the adversaries, organizations need to empower their security teams with a robust and actionable threat intelligence platform that enables them to gain the upper hand in dealing with cybercrimes.

Download the whitepaper here and see how you can learn about the current state of threat intelligence, the three topics driving the future of threat intelligence management, the value of threat intelligence programs, and how to get ahead of your adversaries with Cortex XSOAR Threat Intelligence Management


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