Prisma Access: More flexibility and customization options for your SASE solution

Nov 17, 2020
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Today, we're excited to announce a new pricing and packaging model for Prisma Access that makes it easier than ever for customers to adopt our industry-leading SASE solution. Whether customers are looking to secure internet traffic, implement zero trust network access for their remote users, secure  branch or remote office connections, or establish private application access to a datacenter, this new model offers the flexibility for organizations to customize their SASE solutions. 

Based on customer requests, we have moved to a more modular approach and lowered our entry-point price. This allows customers to pick and choose the relevant capabilities for their organization with the option of adding additional capabilities as their business needs change over time. Our pay-as-you-go model gives customers the ability to consume additional functions as their needs change. We’ve introduced more price points across the offering, which delivers more security value than dollars spent on alternative solutions. The new licensing model also allows customers to purchase Prisma Access capabilities that are aligned to specific use cases, giving them the best possible ROI. 

Prisma Access is built on the combined infrastructure of Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, with over 100 points of presence across the globe, which gives us unlimited capacity to scale on demand. However, many smaller customers with a regional presence only require a few service locations compared to large globally distributed organizations. We’re now able to meet these demands at a reduced price point with our Prisma Access local option. Now, customers can aggregate the bandwidth they purchase by Prisma Access location, rather than by individual remote office location. This gives customers greater flexibility and more efficient use of their investment when deploying Prisma Access. 

As a cloud-delivered service, Prisma Access is simple to operationalize. However, some customers prefer to deploy Prisma Access with help from experts who’ve done it before. That’s why we’re introducing a new range of QuickStart Services, specifically designed to help customers accelerate their implementations and gain confidence in the value of their Prisma Access deployment. 

Learn more about Palo Alto Networks’ new professional services offerings and learn more about Prisma Access.

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