Onstage today at the RSA Conference four of our customers agreed to no longer being seen by their co-workers as 'the stop police' or 'yes men.' They are granting a lot more access than ever before and ironically achieving more control in exchange. These customers say they now have application- and user-based rules that help their respective companies to expressly reap the business benefits of web applications.
Meanwhile, USA Today featured a photo of one of our customers who was quoted saying, “The easiest thing would be to block everything"...but instead "we block what we feel is outside of our policies and values."
Throughout this string of highly visible customer testimonials, not once was the name Palo Alto Networks uttered. And this is exactly how we like it.
Perhaps it's cool how our next-generation firewalls can safely enable the use of applications. You know what's really cool? When our customers tell the world that, for the first time in their careers, they can safely enable their people—nurses, bankers, engineers, branch managers, sales rep, students—to make the most of applications like Facebook, DropBox, YouTube and so on.
We know we're doing our job as a next-generation firewall when our customers volunteer these kinds of stories. Hearing how they have transformed both their outlook on network security and their careers is a true inspiration.
For these customers especially and the many others who've shared their stories: thank you.