A Letter From Our CEO

Aug 13, 2024
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To our community, customers, partners and colleagues,

Let me begin with a sincere apology for a recent marketing decision at an event hosted by Palo Alto Networks during Black Hat in Las Vegas. The misguided attempt to welcome guests with branded lampshade-wearing hostesses was not consistent with our values. I appreciate you not judging us on this isolated event, and I want to reassure you of our continued commitment to and celebration of inclusion and diversity.

Let me be clear: what occurred was unacceptable. We could have, and should have, done better. We will do better. Please know that we have:

  • Investigated how the error occurred and addressed the issue within our event team and the entire marketing organization to ensure that we consistently follow our marketing guidelines.
  • Reinforced our brand-representation guidelines to ensure their alignment with our inclusion and diversity principles.
  • Established an enhanced management-review of all external-facing brand representations until further notice.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and thoughtful consideration in this matter.

- Nikesh Arora
Chairman and CEO, Palo Alto Networks

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