Our vision at Palo Alto Networks is a world where each day is safer and more secure than the one before. We’re excited about taking another big step in delivering on that vision by bringing cybersecurity to the home and to small business.
Today, our way of life is digital. Work, school, fitness, payments and much more have all moved online, and the pace of change is accelerating. Unfortunately, the volume of cyberattacks is also growing fast. The core of our mission at Palo Alto Networks is to protect your digital way of life.
For 15 years, we have been looking ahead and around the corner to protect companies from whatever threats come next – from inventing and building the next-generation firewall to securing the cloud, branch offices, remote workers and much more.
We’re at another inflection point, accelerated by the pandemic. Many of us are in the workplace of the future, that is, sometimes at home and sometimes in the office. Around the world, organizations and employees alike are trying to figure out how to make this “hybrid work” era actually work.
A change this significant requires a new approach to cybersecurity. To design for the next decade of work, we need to ensure that all offices are just as secure – whether it’s an office at headquarters, just a spare bedroom or the kitchen table.
In early 2020, we quickly and quietly assembled a team of some of the best consumer tech product experts and put them together with the exceptional engineers who built Palo Alto Networks advanced security services. We set out to innovate and build a complete solution from the ground up, specifically designed to address the cybersecurity risks of this new age of work, with a focus on the home and then extending it to small businesses. We obsessed over designing the perfect blend of enterprise-grade cybersecurity with consumer simplicity through a truly human-centric solution, which fits naturally in your life.
That solution is Okyo™.
Today, we are announcing Okyo’s first product: Okyo Garde™. Okyo Garde delivers the robust, enterprise-grade cybersecurity that Palo Alto Networks is known for with consumer simplicity — cybersecurity for home and small business.

Okyo Garde delivers security through seamless integration with a premium mesh-enabled Wi-Fi 6 system. It provides superior Wi-Fi speed and coverage, unparalleled protection from malware, ransomware, phishing attacks and more, all through the advanced technology of Palo Alto Networks. And, it’s all visible and easily controlled through a simple mobile app on your smartphone. It immediately elevates the level of digital security for all of your work and personal endeavors.
It’s not just homes that are under attack. Cyber criminals target small businesses with techniques very similar to the ones in the home environment. Okyo Garde’s unique and robust cybersecurity capabilities, as well as simplicity, make it a perfect solution for protecting those small businesses, unlike other products, which are more complicated and lacking in security efficacy.
Okyo Garde is available for pre-ordering in the US immediately, with shipments expected to start this fall. You can choose from three subscription tiers. Okyo Garde can also be ordered with Okyo Concierge, custom designed to provide peace of mind for small businesses or for anyone wishing extra attention for installation, 24x7 support, on-site troubleshooting and device replacement. For pre-orders through October 10, 2021, we offer Okyo Concierge for the first year at no cost, a value of up to $148.
In early 2022, we will add Okyo Garde Enterprise Edition to our offering, for customers of Palo Alto Networks. The corporate network has been extended to the home, and Okyo Garde Enterprise Edition will come with Prisma Access integrated to deliver unified security policy management and SASE (secure access service edge) to work-from-home employees. Enterprises can learn more about the Okyo Garde Enterprise Edition.
At Palo Alto Networks, we strive to help people protect their digital way of life. Okyo brings our industry-leading cybersecurity technology to companies with work-from-home employees, to small businesses, and to anyone wanting to safeguard themselves and their families at home.