Google Chronicle Integrates with Cortex XSOAR

Feb 25, 2020
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At the RSA Conference 2020, we are excited to share our integration with Google Chronicle. Cortex XSOAR will be the first Strategic SOAR partner for Chronicle, expanding on our existing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) integrations, such as Google Cloud Compute, Google Cloud Storage, Google Resource Manager and Google Key Management Service (KMS), as well as multiple Google application integrations. 

With this integration, users can combine the real-time threat detection capability of Google Chronicle with the security orchestration and automation features of Cortex XSOAR to better understand threat activity within their organizations and automate remediation across affected assets. 

Key integration features include:

  • Automate incident and indicator enrichment with Google Chronicle alert data such as domain/IP reputation, ingestion time and sighting details.
  • Access or query Google Chronicle for asset list and details associated with a domain/IP from within Cortex XSOAR.
  • Leverage hundreds of Cortex XSOAR product integrations to coordinate and automate remediation across endpoints or affected assets.

Check out the Solution Brief for more details on how you can benefit from this integration and visit the Google Cloud booth #2233 in Moscone South to learn more and see a demo. Google Chronicle also exhibited their solution and integration as a sponsor of the Cortex Symphony 2020 User Conference.

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