Rick Howard Talks Up The Cybersecurity Canon

Mar 14, 2014
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rick howard

Check out Palo Alto Networks CSO Rick Howard’s interview with security reporter Tom Field to hear about the books Rick believes every cybersecurity professional should have read by now, otherwise known as the Cybersecurity Canon.

Interested in more on the Cybersecurity Canon? Rick recently discussed his Canon picks at RSA Conference and also spoke with media. Check out some recent coverage below.

Some chatter about the Canon on Twitter:

@BoozAllen Have you read these books? @raceBannon99 breaks down necessary reading material for CIOs @RSAConference 1:55pm http://bit.ly/1o15KCQ  #RSAC

@CynSieWil Read one, one on nightstand MT @BoozAllen Have you read these? @raceBannon99 lists 20 essential books for CIOs http://bit.ly/1o15KCQ  #RSAC

@sjbdallas @racebannon99. Glad to see Daemon on your list. I just finished and and started Freedom. Fantastic books.

@elneeko @RSAConference Cyber Security Canon. Man why haven’t I read most of these books. I’m heading to the bookstore at my first break.

@infoseccareer What books should be included in @raceBannon99’s #cybersecurity canon? http://bit.ly/1nFnfdz  - @infoseccareer @PaloAltoNtwks

@arj Rick Howard puts my “Security Metrics” on his “books you should’ve read by now” list aka “Cyber Security Canon.” Tx!

Our Cybersecurity Canon series will continue here on the Palo Alto Networks blog, and Rick will be talking about the Canon at Ignite 2014. If you haven’t registered to be part of the action yet, do so now, before it is too late!

The Cybersecurity Canon is never complete and there are always new additions in the pipeline, so this is your chance to tell us: what books would you include in the Cybersecurity Canon?

Canon Display

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